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Libro Historia Del Futuro David Diamond PDFl This is a great introduction to the future because it provides both the past and present to help you understand what will eventually happen. The book discusses everything from what we'll do when we get our first quantum computers to how we'll live in the future. But, if you're looking for more specific advice, I recommend reading "Futurist: How New Ways of Thinking Will Lead Us to a Brighter Future." It talks about different ideas for governments, education systems, and individuals in the future. While this book describes many different things, the main thing it discusses is new ways of doing things. Diamond explains new ideas like "corporate socialism" and "decentralized technology." He says that these ideas will help us to create a better world for society as time goes on. I suggest reading this book because it is one of the few books that covers history, society, and future trends.David R. Loyn Publisher: Constable & Robinson Ltd ISBN: 9-78050-414-0 Year: 2015 Format:Paperback David R. Loyn Publisher: Constable & Robinson Ltd ISBN: 1-4721-6177-8 Year: 2014 Format:Paperback David R. Loyn PEACETECH Publisher: Constable & Robinson Ltd ISBN: 1-47212087-6 Year: 2011 Format:Paperback co. uk/books?id=9j9Z9c9hLM4C&pg=PT165&dq=history+of+the+future&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiZvN1_r2PVAhWK_WMKHXzjDWwQ6AEIXzAJ#v=onepage&q=history%20of%20the%20future&f=false co. cfa1e77820